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Does the Hong Kong Quick Cheque Machine accept Cheques issued by different banks?
Yes, you can deposit your bank cheques to different banks.
Yes, you can deposit your bank cheques to different banks.
See lessWhy Hong Kong people don’t use WeChat
WhatsApp has been popular in Hong Kong since 2011 and only requires the other person’s mobile phone number to use it. Although many people in mainland China use WeChat, most Hong Kong people use WeChat due to preconceptions. Only new immigrants who come to Hong Kong from the mainland or have relativRead more
WhatsApp has been popular in Hong Kong since 2011 and only requires the other person’s mobile phone number to use it. Although many people in mainland China use WeChat, most Hong Kong people use WeChat due to preconceptions. Only new immigrants who come to Hong Kong from the mainland or have relatives in mainland China use WeChat.
See lessCan I use Alipay or WeChat to pay when I shopping in Hong Kong?
There are many individual small merchants in Hong Kong who still only accept cash. Although Octopus payment is now very common, there are also many stores that do not support it, even to say Alipay and WeChat. Except for some large chain stores such as Mannings and 7-11, etc. In addition, most of thRead more
There are many individual small merchants in Hong Kong who still only accept cash. Although Octopus payment is now very common, there are also many stores that do not support it, even to say Alipay and WeChat. Except for some large chain stores such as Mannings and 7-11, etc. In addition, most of them do not support Alipay and WeChat, so try to exchange a small amount of cash when you come to Hong Kong.
See lessCan I use AlipayHK in Mainland?
Of course you can! In Shenzhen, all merchants can pay with Alipay and WeChat. At the same time, Alipay merchants also support Alipay HK payment. Unlike Alipay HK, most merchants do not support mainland Alipay. Therefore, Alipay HK can be scanned in Hong Kong and the mainland. For payment, deposit HoRead more
Of course you can!
In Shenzhen, all merchants can pay with Alipay and WeChat. At the same time, Alipay merchants also support Alipay HK payment.
Unlike Alipay HK, most merchants do not support mainland Alipay.
Therefore, Alipay HK can be scanned in Hong Kong and the mainland.
For payment, deposit Hong Kong dollars and spend in RMB, and the exchange rate is directly converted.
See less為什麼近些年香港霓虹燈數量大幅減少
霓虹燈招牌是由99.5%氖氣及0.5%氬氣組成,手工製作,通常用於廣告或招牌等用途。 曾經香港的霓虹燈數量之多成為香港特色之一,有不少外國電影更因為這個原因而特意到港取景。 但近年來霓虹燈數量大幅減少,原來是與政府一個條例有關,因為霓虹燈大多伸出店面之外,年久失修會造成掉落傷害行人現象,而一些大型有名的霓虹燈招牌亦因此例難逃拆卸命運。 更因2000年左右LED燈出現而加速霓虹燈的消亡,LED燈價格也相比傳統霓虹燈價格極低,更因其危險性被房屋署強制拆除。
See less為什麼香港賣淫及嫖妓並不犯法
香港性交易是合法的,但組織及操縱性交易活動是非法的。 相關法制類似於英國,性工作者及接受性服務的個體都是合法的,操控性工作者則屬違法。 例如拉客、賣廣告、依靠妓女為生、2人同租一單位工作。所以「一樓一鳳」、做鳳姐本身是合法的。 根據《刑事罪行條例》第200章第139條〈經營賣淫場所〉,經營兩人以上,或者管理賣淫場所、為不道德目的或遊蕩而目的唆使他人則會觸犯法律,例如一樓多鳳,在香港是犯法。 香港召妓不犯法,即使当中牵涉金钱交易也没有问题。但嫖客主动问价或妓女主动报价即属违法。
See less香港可以合法公開聚賭的場所有哪些
馬會提供合法的博彩渠道,規定只准年滿十八歲的人士,才可參與博彩。 另一個合法公開聚賭的場所是麻雀館。 麻雀館需要領牌,但現時數量已經封頂,不會再發新牌。 在一些非指定場所玩麻雀屬違法。 在麻雀館的法定經營時間以外繼續打麻雀亦算作違法行為。
See less為什麼說10元鈔票本身才是香港法定貨幣
港幣的發行機構有兩類:政府和商業銀行。 10元紙幣及所有硬幣均由政府發行; 20元、50元、100元、500元、1,000元紙幣由匯豐銀行、渣打銀行、中國銀行發行。 不過,只有10元紙幣印有「香港法定貨幣」字樣,其他均為「即期兌付港幣xxx(紙幣面額)元」。 理論上,商業銀行發行的紙幣只是用來兌換港幣的票據,而10元紙幣和硬幣才是港幣。
See lessHow to find my groups on WhatsApp
open your WhatsApp on your mobile phone. Click the write message on the top right. 3. type the character "g" in the search bar 4. then you will find the groups you have joined.
3. type the character “g” in the search bar
4. then you will find the groups you have joined.
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